Saturday, August 08, 2009

Solved the :sudo :port command not found

I'm somewhat terminally challenged, as in using Terminal on my Mac. I know just enough to be dangerous and every time I try something I have to re-lookup how to do it, so this time I'm keeping instructions here. Today it's a Darwin installation, including solving my sudo port command not found problem, installing TightVNC and finally getting my local WordPress to work; maybe tossing in a DynDNS into the mix (we'll see).

Below are the steps I finally learned but it was Software Development that saved my bacon when he explained how to edit the .bash_profile file. I had already messed with this so had created a .bash_profile, noticing I'd kept the original too (always a smart idea). this also reminded me that I could edit in Terminal using TextMate simply by typing "e"

How to get Darwin Ports and TightVNC

1. Go download Darwin Ports disk image then click to install.
2. Once installed update Darwin Ports using Terminal. Type command:
% sudo port -d selfupdate

(this is explained when you get the Darwin Ports disk image) Type your password. If you get the dreaded :sudo :port command not found then edit your .bash_profile (or create it with: touch .bash_profile if it doesn't already exist

3. Now update, and if you just installed it'll probably tell you it's already up-to-date but whatever.

4. Now install TightVNC via Darwin Ports

It's fun to learn your way around the Terminal app. As long as you save backups of files you mess with, you can't really screw things up too badly, can you...

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